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Friday, January 31, 2014

Maumee Valley 59 - (at) Northwood 20 - Insightful Internet Commentary

Tonight's win and scouting report on tomorrow's game is brought to you by Michael Jarrell '17, Nick Isaza '17, Jack Safedi '17 and Rick Kaser '17.  Have at it, gentlemen.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Maumee Valley 60 - Cardinal Stritch 43 - Insightful Internet Commentary

Here's Nick Towns, Thad Woodard and Jeremy Anderson taking a break from their rigorous finals preparation to recount the Hawks 17 point win Wednesday in the Varsity Gym.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2013-4 Season Chapters Ten and Eleven - Move along, nothing to see here.

Yeah, the Hawks lost 64-30 to Ottawa Hills and 40-30 at TC.  Whatever.

More on those games later.  Maybe.   Now back to your regularly scheduled winning streak.

Monday, January 6, 2014

JV action vs. Emmanuel Christian

Big win for the JVs Saturday night against the Warriors.  Three highlights captured for your viewing pleasure.

Here's Jack Herrmann on a well-designed in-bounds play.

Adam Melendez pulls an offensive rebound and Tim Zeller scores three.

Michael Jarrell to Ricky Kaser at the block

Hawk JVs defeat Arcadia - video highlights

Hawks win the day against the Arcadia Redskins 33-31 in a come from behind victory..

Here's how to beat the zone press - Nick Isaza gets loose for the score.

Turner Booth with the hop-step

Juwaan gets free and is fouled at the basket

Ricky 'Laser' Kaser with the late game difference maker.

A big defensive stand down the stretch.

The 'skins last gasp falls short.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Unofficial stats through game nine

2013-4 Season Chapter Nine- Great Starts in History - Maumee Valley 62 - Emmanuel Christian 22 - Game Story

Saturday January 4, 2014 - EC's Roy Parmelee Gymnasium

Maumee Valley played what may have been the best three quarters of basketball in recent history Saturday evening, as they rolled up a 39 point lead at Emmanuel Christian.  The Hawks soared to a 40 point win, 62-22.

Not that the wind-up was bad either.  Coach Josh Arthur emptied his bench in the fourth quarter and several players gained valuable varsity floor time.  Among those would be a JV player, given the famous number 44 for the game, making his Hawks debut.

Welcome Jamaal McGee!!  Many happy returns, points, assists, etc.

Anyway, thinking about the first sentence above prompted your Hawkblogger to consider some other famous starts in History.

Some things start out fine and don't end so well - take the Roman Empire for example:

Things were going great until they started appointing horses to the Senate.   Insert US Senate

Or the career of one George A. Custer

I shoudda bought that livery stable in Monroe, Michigan

Pretty much any Cleveland Indians or Detroit Lions Season looks promising early on...

Yeah, whatever....

We lost this many games in a row to end the season...and yes, we're out of the playoffs again.

But some things start OK and only get better:

They didn't even charge for baggage then.

What do you mean I can't buy the Smead Building?

On to the game.

Starters - Marcus Knabbs ('14), Lucas Isaza ('15), Thad Woodard ('14), Nick Towns ('15), Rashad Woodley ('14)

First Quarter - MV 17 - EC 5

It took the Hawks about a minute and a half to get their rhythm, as EC's half court trap forced Marcus Knabbs into two early fouls.  But those would be the only tense moments for MV on the night.  Emmanuel held a 3-2 lead on the strength of three Adam Regnier free throws, and kept it within one point  at 6-5 about 3:30 into the game.  Bur the onslaught began with this Solomon Collins basket....

And the Hawks found a few weaknesses in their host's game.  Mamuee Valley's pressure defense transformed the game quickly, creating at six turnovers in the next 4:30.  Things were clicking on the offensive side of the ball illustrated by a pair of three pointers caught on video.

Here's Keith McClure...

And Zain Bedi to end the quarter....

Second Quarter - MV 22 - EC 6

The Warriors started the quarter right with an Adam Regnier old fashioned three pointer, but as can be deduced from the above subhead, that would account for 50% of their output.  Maumee Valley steamrolled to a 22-3 run the rest of the quarter.  MV scored in a variety of ways

It was a veritable plethora of roundball superiority

 - here running their offence - see this sequence leading to a foul on Eurosteppin' Lucas Isaza

Two points for Thad Woodard on a steal you can see coming 1.60934 kilometers away:

The Hawks deny EC the ball in bounds, then Zain Bedi hits a looong two pointer like it was a layup

Coach Dave Regnier was not pleased with his team's play during this stretch and called two time outs during the MV roll to keep his Warrior's collective head in the game.

But the points just kept on coming.  Here's Rashad Woodley finishing a fast break:

The halftime score was 39-11.

Lost in this summary is the point that Emmanuel Christian is not a bad team.  They feature an experienced point guard and a 6' 5" post player.  This is a season of big men in the TAAC.

That notwithstanding, MV's senior-led (Thad Woodard, Marcus Knabbs, Solomon Collins Rashad Woodley and Danny Hazimah) swarming defense continues to improve.  The 9-15 man lineup allows for constant pressure the entire game.  This weighs heavily on the opposing lineup, especially if that opponent's bench is not deep.

Such is often the case in Division IV basketball.  Therefore Coach Arthur is molding a large group of athletes into an intimidating team.  This group conjures memories of the deep Toledo Christian and Central Catholic teams faced by MV over the last seven years.  One wave comes in at full speed, with another group available right behind them.  The primary goal of this style of play is to instill doubt in the opponent's mind. MV has done this in increasing fashion the last four weeks.

Half time - EC concession stand 2 - MV 0

In the worst stretch of the evening, Nick Frasco '12 and Caleb Willhight '13 clang iron from the free throw line, losing all chance of free popcorn or sno-conage.

Fortunately their fashion sense ranks them in everyone's top ten list.  Unfortunately they missed their chance at the TAAC's best concession stand.

Third Quarter - MV 14 - EC 3

It was deja' vu all over again in the third quarter.  Maumee Valley forced more turnovers and unforced errors than the Warriors' had points.  The third quarter video highlights feature another Thad Woodard steal and cleanup hoop:

...and here's MV spreading the 2-3 zone to perfection.  Truth Foreman's trey ended the third quarter scoring.

After 24 minutes of elapsed time, Maumee Valley was on top of their hosts by a 53-14 count.

Fourth Quarter - MV 9 - EC 8

The highlight of the fourth quarter was the varsity debut of Juwaan McGee '16.  Juwaan entered at the 6:55 mark,  right here

and entered the scoring roll with two points on a fast break opportunity,  Truth continued to singe the nets...

Zain scored yet again, this time from close range

the teams played out the last frame fairly evenly.  Coach Arthur played a long bench this evening, with all 14 Hawks seeing action.


Truth Foreman - 6
Danny Hazimah - 2
Marcus Knabbs - 1
Zain Bedi - 7
Keith McClure - 6
Lucas Isaza - 7
Nick Towns - 6
Thad Woodard - 6
Solomon Collins - 9
Rashad Woodley - 10
Juwaan McGee - 2

Final thoughts

Here's hoping the Hawks keep getting better and better.  A team which was a pre-season selection to finish in the bottom half of the TAAC is currently tied for first place.

Some things get better with age

Thanks Leonardo.

some don't

Ottawa Hills HS Principal, circa 1973

How will this great 2013-4 MVCDS start roll on?   The team has made a few believers and the next few weeks will offer a chance to convince many more.  Go Hawks!

Maumee Valley 60 - Emmanuel Christian 22 - Insightful Internet Commentary (Double Shot Edition)

Maumee Valley played one of its best halves of basketball in Hawkblogger recorded history Saturday evening, taking a commanding 37-11 halftime lead en route to a 38 point win at Emmanuel Christian.

We have not one, but two IIC's tonight.  First an all-star alumni panel featuring Nick Frasco, Caleb Willhight, Rick Deichert, and still the hardest working man in MV basketball Daniel Brandon

Next up, it's a Cecil B. DeMille-esque cast of thousands - Keith McClure, Truth Foreman, Rashad Woodley, Tim Zeller, and Juwaan McGee, who made his varsity debut this evening wearing the illustrious Hammerin' Hank Aaron No. 44 jersey.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Maumee Valley 60 - Arcadia 30 - Insightful Internet Commentary

Some new faces on this edition of the IIC, including Nick Isaza, Ricky Kaser and Evan Abdoo analyze both the varsity and the JV wins tonight on the JB gym floor.  Support provided by Danny Hazimah and Thaddeus.

2013-4 Season Chapter Eight- Home Away from Home - Maumee Valley 60 - Arcadia 30 - Game Story

January 3, 2014 at Maumee Valley's Johnson-Bayer Gym

The Hawks came to school late Friday afternoon to find a small leak in the Varsity Gym roof following a winter storm the previous two days.  Quick action by MV's Athletic Director Amy Knepper resulted in the short move over to the Johnson-Bayer gym.

Thus, the home team would relive their Middle School days on this holiday break weekend, facing a Blanchard Valley Conference foe in the Arcadia Redskins.

This evening's video commentary is courtesy of Mr. Theo Foreman.

Starters - Marcus Knabbs ('14), Lucas Isaza ('15), Thad Woodard ('14), Nick Towns ('15), Rashad Woodley ('14)

First Quarter - MV 21 - Arcadia 15

MV won the tip, but Arcadia's 6' 2" guard Josh Ireland scored the first four points of the game.  Nick Towns assumed his recent role as first quarter stalwart and hit two inside.   Ireland would find the inside game tough sledding as Rashad Woodley blocked him twice in a single possession.  The Hawks began to adjust defensively and Thad Woodard cashed in with a steal and two free throws to tie the game.

MV began it's pressure at 5:23 of the first, and after several empty possessions, Rashad scored inside then another Woodard steal, basket and bonus shot

gave MV a five point lead.

Arcadia would roll out the second phase of its 1-2 scoring punch when Hayden Ramsey canned a step-back three pointer, cutting the lead to two.  The pace quickened.  Rashad answered back, Ireland hit two, Thad nailed a three, Solomon stole the ball and scored, Ireland fired in a three, then after two missed free throws by the Redskins, MV patiently worked the zone and Danny Hazimah lasered this three pointer from the right side.

For those of you keeping score at home it was 19-12 Hawks.

Ramsey would close it out for Arcadia with another three pointer and MV was up three after eight minutes of play.

Second Quarter - MV 11 - Arcadia 5

With Coach Cara Noel's (only one of two woman boys' basketball coaches in Ohio) team down six and leading scorer Ireland having committed two first quarter fouls, Arcadia ran 1:20 off the initial second quarter clock in its motion offense before turning the ball over.  Keith McClure capitalized on MV's first possession with a three pointer.  Ireland was re-inserted but committed his third foul with 4:09 remaining and the 'skins were in a tough spot.

Solomon Collins stole the ball and Truth Foreman drove across the zone for two points.  Attention:  turn volume up to max for proper effect.

Maumee Valley patiently worked the ball around for this patient Solomon Collins two pointer...

But Arcadia's Jacob Keith's made this circus-style shot...

...and Thad Woodard answered.

Arcadia would hit three free throws in the last minute of the half to pull to within twelve, and the teams went to the locker rooms with the score MV 32 - Arcadia 20.  Ireland and Ramsey accounted for 17 of the visitors' points.

Third Quarter - MV 15 - Arcadia 6

Lucas Isaza and Hayden Ramsey exchanged three pointers in the opening moments.  MV scored the next six points, including this Rashad Woodley tip-in...

... and Coach Noel had to call time out to avoid a ten second violation by her team.

Maumee Valley outscored their guests 6-3 in the last moments of the third quarter.  Here's Truth Foreman raining down three points...

Maumee Valley went into the fourth quarter leading 47-26

Fourth Quarter - MV 13 - Arcadia 4

Truth continued to prevail at the JB gym - he hit another trey - then the Hawks turned the ball over on a Redskin five second violation.  Arcadia took another time out to regain composure.  But following a Solomon Collins free throw, MV forced another turnover and Danny Hazimah converted a two pointer.

Lucas added two with a reverse layup on the way to a 9-0 Hawks' run.  The teams traded four points down the stretch and at the 4:20 mark, all 10 starters came off the floor.  MVCDS doubled up their opponent on the evening - 60-30.


Truth Foreman - 8
Danny Hazimah - 7
Keith McClure - 6
Lucas Isaza - 5
Nick Towns - 2
Thad Woodard - 17
Solomon Collins - 7
Rashad Woodley -8

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Holiday Hoops photos

thanks to Weezie Stoddard, Director of Alumni Relations

Alumni game vids

MV's Holiday Hoops brought new and old Hawks back for a family hardwood reunion on Saturday December 28, 2013.  The score will remain  secret and undisclosed.  Here are your video highlights.

Marcus Knabbs blocks Rashaan Preston '13

Julius Turner '12 taking care of business

Stellar play in this sequence

Point guard Daniel Brandon '13

Dixon 'wide body' Stoddard '12

Lee Bigelow '11

Dixon showing his range on the long shot

Jon Krueger '12 with a long ball

Dave Brown '13 to Nick Frasco '12

The varsity says 'take that alumni'!

Jamaal Lewis closes it out for MV.