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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Boys' JV Beats Liberty Center in a Hard Fought Match Up

 By Hawkblog Special Correspondent Portia Ash

Saturday night the boys' JV faced the Liberty Center Tigers in what was probably their most closely matched game thus far this season. On this night, the Tigers matched up very well with the Hawks in size, skill, defensive effort and the execution of their offense. In the end, the Hawks prevailed, but of course not until they had us all on the edge of our seats and biting our nails.

It started in the first quarter with the Hawks and Tigers in a dead heat. Off to a bit of a slow start, two hand checking fouls on Collins, a few turnovers and shots that would not fall for the Hawks all had faithful Hawks fans were thinking "oh boy" as the Hawks ended the first quarter trailing the Tigers by 2. 

In the second quarter, the Hawks pulled even with the Tigers and had really good play from Robbie Ariss and Marcus Knabbs as they were asked to do more while Collins, King, and Woodward were out of the game. Robbie and Marcus each hit key shots for the Hawks and helped the Hawks end the second quarter even with the Tigers at 16 points a piece.

The second half of the game continued to be a close contest. The Hawks settled down and began to focus; pressing the Tigers and executing their offense. Ultimately the Hawks prevailed, winning the game 44 to 38. A very closely contested game with a good outcome for JV Hawks fans that enjoy watching them play.

With this win over the Tigers, the Hawks advance to 7-1 on the season.

Up next, the Hawks face Monclova Christian Academy for the second time this season.

Scoring - King 11, Hazimah 8, Woodard 7, Ariss 5, Knabbs 5, Collins 4, Okeke 4

Editor's $.02 - I caught up with Coach Arthur after the game.  He said he was happy in a way to have a game like this, since the JVs haven't had a close one yet. 

Also, I can't verify this, but I heard that the Liberty Center JVs were undefeated until last night.  Good work gentlemen.

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