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Friday, December 10, 2010

A Few Pictures of the New High School

Construction is in the finishing stages.  Students should be in the building January 3, 2011.  Here's what you have to look forward to; it's going to be a great building. 

These photos are a week old, and much work has been done since then. 

A view from the second floor language classrooms.

Looking down the first floor hallway.

A staircase near the resource center up to the second floor.

The 'K' center, a 225 flexible seating room.  This picture does not do it justice.   When done, this room will overlook a lawn in the back of the property and will look fantastic.

A second floor view across the new commons.  The resource center is on the left.

Cabinetry and lab equipment being prepared for installation in the new science wing. 

Opaque panels, translucent and transparent windows are standard throughout the building.  The translucent windows pick up the colors outside.

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