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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thank you for a great year

Sometime today, the blog will receive its 2,000th hit, and that doesn't count my mom!

The blog usually receives 60-70 hits on a non-game day and over 100 page views in the 24 hours following a game.  That's amazing to me.

I've also had hits from several countries around the world - here are the non-US stats (country and number of visitors) United Kingdom 25 (looking forward to my royal wedding invite Bill and Kate), Croatia 25, Denmark 12, Canada 9, Slovenia 6, Germany 3 (Dirk, send your kids to MV!!), Cayman Islands 2 (Genna on vacation?), Malaysia 2, Iran(!) 1, Russia 1, South Korea 1 and Saudi Arabia 1. 

One other cool thing about the randomness of Google - go there and search 'Insightful Internet Commentary'.  The Hawkblog rules that space.

So Happy New Year and thanks again.  I'll see many of you on January 3rd at the opening of the new High School.  And I'm looking forward to writing many victory stories in 2011.

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